═══ 1. About... ═══ Convert It! Version 1.0 - by Antonino Iannella, July 11th, 1996 Convert It! is a general-purpose unit converter. It converts numerical and character values using metric, imperial, and numerical measures. Choose from a section below. Contents  Instructions  Installing Convert It!  Conversion types  Registration  Known bugs and limitations  Contacting the author  Version history  FTP and BBS site documentation ═══ 2. Instructions ═══ This section explains how to use Convert It!. Directions on how to use the numbered items follows. 1 Choose a conversion group from capacity, lengths, others, or weights. 2 Choose the necessary conversion type from the group listed. Each group has a different list or conversions. 3 Type the value to convert into the textbox. The current unit is shown below the slider. By 'sliding' the slider to the other end, the value will be converted to the other unit. 4 The Copy button copies the current conversion result to the clipboard. This is disabled while the session is being recorded. The Help button launches this help file. 5 Checking Record session records all conversions made in the current session. Unchecking it stops and clears the record. 6 A rotating banner displays the current conversion units. Pressing the right mouse button on it will stop or start it, if it bothers you. The transcript window is active whenever the conversions are being recorded. 1 A record of conversions made is listed here. One may drag the contents to anther application by press-holding the right-mouse button. This does not always work, and depends on the target application. 2 Choose between using no, concise, or extended units while recording, such as Unit type Left unit Right unit ───────────────────────────────────────── None - - ───────────────────────────────────────── Concise KW hp ───────────────────────────────────────── Extended Kilowatts Horsepower 3 The Copy button save the current transcript to the clipboard. The Stop button closes the transcript window and stops recording. ═══ 3. Installing Convert It! ═══ To run Convert It!, you should have  OS/2 Warp or above,  the REXX component installed, and  the View.exe INF file viewer. Install Convert It! by running Cinst.exe. Choose the target directory as either your \OS2\APPS directory, or choose your own. Choose whether to create a Convert It! object on the desktop. Then press 'Install'. You will be informed if the installation suceeded or not. Press 'Cancel' at any time to exit the installer. The following files will be copied to the target directory -  Convrt.exe  Convrt.inf  Convrt.ico  Iconbar.dll To uninstall Convert It!, delete the above files from their directory, and remove the desktop object. The software installer shall soon be available for all developers to use for their own purposes. It shall be shareware, distributed as the archive InstAI.zip. It will be available at ftp sites including hobbes.nmsu.edu and ftp-os2.cdrom.com. ═══ 4. Conversion types ═══ Convert It! handles the following conversion types. More will be added upon request. ________________________________________________________________ Conversion scale Based on ISO specifications and REXX functions ________________________________________________________________ Source - Encyclopaedia International, 1971 v19, p 285 Sharp calculator manual, p22 Funk and Wagnall's Standard Desk Dictionary, p XXVI ________________________________________________________________ CAPACITIES ________________________________________________________________ KW - hp kw*1.341 hp*0.7457 KW - ps kw*1.3596 ps*0.7355 L - gal(UK) L*0.21997 gal*4.5461 L - gal(US) L*0.26417 gal*3.7854 L - pk L*0.11351 pk*8.8095 L - pt L*1.8162 pt*0.5506 mL - fl oz (UK) mL*0.0352 floz*28.4131 mL - fl oz (US) mL*0.0338 floz*29.5734 LENGTHS ________________________________________________________________ cm - in cm*0.3937 in*2.54 fath - n mile fath*0.000987459 nmi*1012.7 ft - fath ft*0.1666 fath*6 hect - A hect*2.471 A*0.4747 km - mi km*0.621 mi*1.609 m - ft m*3.2808 ft*0.3048 m - yd m*1.0936 yd*0.9144 m¤ - A m¤*0.000247 A*4046.856 OTHERS ________________________________________________________________ ASCII - char c2d() d2c() Char - Bin x2b(c2x()) x2c(b2x()) Dec - Bin x2b(d2x()) x2d(b2x()) Dec - Hex d2x() x2d() J - cal J*0.2389 cal*4.1855 °C - °F (9*C/5)+32 (5/9)*(F-32) °C - °K C+273.16 K-273.16 °F - °K ((5/9)*(F-32))+273.16 ((9/5)*(K-273.16))+32 WEIGHTS ________________________________________________________________ g - oz g*0.03527 oz*28.3495 Kg - lb kg*2.2046 lb*0.4536 Kg - stone kg*6.35 stone*0.157 Kg - ton (UK) kg*0.000984206 ton*1016.046 Kg - ton (US) kg*0.001102311 ton*907.1847 mg - gr mg*0.01543 gr*64.7989 ________________________________________________________________ ═══ 5. Registration ═══ Convert It! is provided as a fully-functional product, with no limitations. However, it is shareware. If you regularly use this product, please be kind enough to register by sending $10 Australian to the author. This will ensure that precious development efforts will continue. In return, you will receive excellent customer support, for any query or problem, and be notified of new releases. Convert It! remains the property of the author. It is freely distributable on any medium or site. All files from the archive must be intact when distributed. I do not guarantee the software's reliability, although I would appreciate being informed of any problems anyone may have. Any damage or loss incurred as a result of using this software is NOT the author's responsibility. Microsoft employees and their families must pay US$1 000 000 in registration for every copy they possess. ═══ 6. Known bugs and limitations ═══  Conversion results might not be as accurate as some people would like.  Some conversions may cause strange errors with large values, especially decimal, hexadecimal, binary, and character types.  The maximum number of characters allowed in the textbox is 32. Any longer results will lose all characters after the 32nd. This problem is especially true when converting from String to Binary numbers; convert only four-character strings at a time. ═══ 7. Contacting the author ═══ Send all registration payments, comments, bug reports, or suggestions for improvement to **** **** * **** Operate at a higher level. * * * * * * * * * * * * Mr Antonino Iannella * * **** * * Computer Systems Engineering * * * * * * 9308390r@lux.levels.unisa.edu.au **** **** * ****** http://members.tripod.com/~antonino/index.html Would you fix your house if the windows need replacing? So why not fix your computer by replacing its Windows? or by mail: Mr Antonino Iannella 6 Bolingbroke Avenue DEVON PARK SA 5008 AUSTRALIA Phone + 61 8 346 2742. ═══ 8. Version history ═══ v 1.0 - First version completed in July, 1996. ═══ 9. FTP and BBS site documentation ═══ This section has files needed for public domain sites.  FILE_ID.DIZ  Convrt.txt ═══ 9.1. FILE_ID.DIZ ═══ Convrt1.zip - Convert It! for OS/2 A general-purpose converter using metric, imperial, and numerical measures. Shareware Mr Antonino Iannella 9308390r@lux.levels.unisa.edu.au ═══ 9.2. Convrt.txt ═══ OS/2 Upload Information Template for ftp-os2.nmsu.edu Archive Name: Convrt1.zip Program Description: (keep it under 60 characters) Unit converter of metric, imperial, numerical measures. Operating System Versions: OS/2 3.0 (Warp) and above Program Source: none Replaces: none Your name: Antonino Iannella Your email address: 9308390r@lux.levels.unisa.edu.au Proposed directory for placement: /pub/os2/wpsutil or /pub/os2/mathutil?